Friday, June 22, 2012

Weeds, sprays, salves and more

  It's been an eventful week. had an award picnic in the park Tuesday, where volunteers in our community were recognized. There were a lot of us, my daughter in law got a well earned award too. The food was good, and so was the company, met the mayor, news paper people etc.
  Today started with a 2 hour battle on a flower bed I have ignored for many years, out on a slope at the front of the house.  It was a good fight to tame the overgrown area. I have a good stand of yarrow and tulip bulbs that might stand a chance now.
  I started the week sitting on my porch and cutting up pine needles.  My son brought an armload of branches down and after much cutting, I ended up with 3 quart jars full of snipped needles. And a lot of bare branches.  to the jars I added a couple of spoons full of grated orange peel, and a couple of tablespoons of juniper berrys. That was covered with oil, some olive, some apricot kernal, some jojoba and some grapeseed. I was using up bits of leftovers and combined them. After stirring, the jars have been set aside, and will brew for a month. At that point, we will talk about the rest of the recipe, it will end up as a salve for sore muscles, achy joints etc.
   I have a recipe for you today for your garden and flowers, an insect spray.
   In a blender, toss 12 large cloves of garlic, 6 hot chili peppers, fresh or dried, 2 cups of water and puree til foamy. Let this stand overnight. You should have a coral colored mixture with stuff at the bottom. Strain this through a coffee filter or cheese cloth or fine mesh strainer, no stuff left or it will clog your spray bottle. After its strained, pour it into a jar, add a tablespoon of  liquid castile soap, I think dish soap might also work, and a few drops of cinnamon or eucalyptus essential oil.  This will keep for most of the summer. When you use it,  add 2 tablespoons of mix to a quart of water in a sprayer. U se in the late part of the day so sun won't burn your plants. Reapply as needed.
   I am getting ready to brew up some lemon balm leaves and see if they' re strong enough flavor wise to make some lemon jelly  out of, if it works, I will share my recipe next time.
  Find some shade, stay cool. I am going back to work on a baby blanket for my coming grand daughter, catch ya later.

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