Friday, October 13, 2017

Hot dogs, bologna, salami You may want to reconsider eating this kind of stuff

  Watched a very interesting Dr. Oz show this week. I do not eat much meat, once in a while an organic chicken, but for those still snarfing down this stuff, here is a true horror story.   It starts with huge vats, into which are dumped junk meat,starches, grains, salt, gluten, and fillers of all sorts. And of course, large amounts of nitrates. It's then all smushed up with grinders and poured into casings depending on the size and shape. You all know what they look like.  After they have set up they are sliced and packaged and sent to the stores.   These products are known cancer and heart disease  makers.   And now  there are ones saying they are  "all natural" no nitrates added. Wrong, they are still adding stuff like powdered celery.  Celery is a nitrate. Here is a link you can use to check it out:   There are some alternatives, but you have to go to the deli counter  to find them,   Land of Frost makes a decent sliced ham,  Boars Head has  Roast Beef and Roast Turkey, and Apple Gate makes a smoked turkey, you can have them sliced to suit .  For a long time, us savvy shoppers have  used the outer aisles and shunned the middle ones, filled with processed"foods."these are mostly laboratory produced , processed, non foods,  more like science experiments.  Now however, there are a few things sneaking in that are decent. In the pasta aisle, there are pastas made of chick pea flour, no gluten and GMO free.  In the freezer there is a brand of frozen bread, Mona, that's said to be very tasty, the price however would put me off, I find it listed at about 14 bucks a loaf.  And there are a couple brands of wild caught salmon in cans. I find anything in a can to taste like the can, tinny.   If you have peanut allergies, or nut allergies, you can find sunflower seed butter, of course made from seeds, not nuts. And the canned foods are improving to include pumpkin( all these are organic) which you can add to oatmeal,yogurt, whatever you like, for flavor and health benefits.  And in the veggie area, there are peas, corn, green beans, and also garbanzo, black and white beans that are organic.  I also find canned tomato paste and tomatoes, Muir Glen is a good brand. I still prefer buying fresh produce, and more and more of it is organic.  If you are eating the other stuff, you are eating glyphosate, know to cause cancer, allergies, arthritis, ADHD, aches and pains etc, as well as Chloropyrifos, causes brain damage in children, agent orange, hepatitus C virus, and so many other deadly poisons. No wonder we have a nation of sick people,  the big six companies are out to get rid of a large chunk of the population by what they feed us.  And of course big pharma and the medical and insurance companies are getting richer.  Here's an idea for supper/ Peel and chop a large sweet potato, saute it in sunflower oil til it's a little tender, add a chopped onion, a can,  or  that amount of home cooked black beans, a few cloves of chopped garlic, some cumin and thyme, cook it til tender and serve over brown rice. Add  a little salt and pepper to taste. The mountain behind us is turning red and gold now, it's lovely.  The maples are almost done shedding, and the hummers are gone.  Got a new batch of Pine Salve brewing, sat on the porch enjoying the gorgeous fall weather yesterday and cut up a bucket of pine needles Doug brought me. They are now brewing with orange peel and juniper berries, will take  over a month to get ready to process.  It's still quite warm here, tho they say next week it will be much cooler.    Have a great week,  take care of yourself, you only get one body and one chance to take care of it. Happy Fall ya'all.

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