Saturday, November 11, 2017

Cold Wearher, warm foods and immune boosters

Woke up to frost on the car and roof tops this am, It's gone now, but  it is a reminder that we will be looking at  chilly days  and cold nights soon.  I made up a dish for supper this week that's very tasty, and easy. Chop one red pepper and one green pepper and one smallish onion and a good sized sweet potato into equal size  dice, small, about  1/4 inch and flat. Saute in a little sunflower oil till soft, add curry, cumin and corriander, I used about 3/4 teaspoon of each, then add a few cloves of chopped garlic and last, about one and a half cups of cooked black beans. Let it all simmer a few minutes.  The recipe says serve over rice, but I ate it like it came and loved it.  Filling, warming and tasty.  I have been using immune oil on the bottoms of my feet since mid summer, hope it works. There are other great herbs to boost your immune system  I like Ayurveda ones, especially Andrographis Piniculatea, sometimes called  Indian echinacea.  I find it lets me sleep all night, and has other benefits too, as strong as some opioids without side effects or becoming habit forming. Other good ones are  Astragalus and Ashwaganda. And of course, Elderberries. I have two nice bushes growing now, hope by next summer they start bearing fruit. You can make your own syrup, just put 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup of dried berries in a pan with 1/2 cup raw honey and if you want a little spice, a stick of cinnamon and 8 whole cloves, bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer 15 minutes, strain, keep in glass container in frig. Taking 1 teaspoon twice a day improves your immune system or helps you kick a cold or flu faster. There is a website called edibleharmony you might want to check out for other ideas. Did you know you can substitute 1 Tablespoon of vodka for 1 Tablespoon of water in your pie crusts and get a nicer crust? Hmmm.  I keep vodka for making infusions so have a bottle in my cosmetic cupboard. I seem to be outgrowing my storage space these days, but  having stuff on hand for sales is imperative. And I appreciate the sales.  Need something warm to drink, a cup of tea sounds good. Getting ready to  call church friends. Hope you are healthy and well and getting into this pre winter weather. Take care, stay warm and hug your family , its good for you.

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