Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Morning, cosmetic ideas, better health thoughts

  It's spring, the birds are singing away, the redbud trees are blooming, and the dogwoods are opening.  My snowball bush will have plate sized blooms soon, makes me think of that old saying, "God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world."  If only that was true, our world has so many problems, so much violence, sadness and hard to understand happenings. But it's all part of His plan so we have to accept and see past the badness.
  I see this morning that the FDA is okaying  sea food to be radiated. I don't eat that myself, but that would scare me away from it otherwise.  If you want the whole story, here is a link:   It is so hard to figure out why our government is trying to eradicate our population by adulterating our foods. My son has a blog, Of Mice and Mountain Men, that said it all quite well this morning, pull it up and give it a read.
  Dr.  Oz had a good show again this week, trying to help us veer away from drugs with so many side effects, and use the things the Good Lord has planted for us as cures.  His thinking is that these are  gentle, effective things with no side effects.   If you are having trouble sleeping, try a mix of valerian(300mg) Passion Flower(80 mg) and Hops (50mg). This is equal to Ambien and has none of the bad effects.  If you are one of the many suffering from stress, a few cups of chamomile tea a day will reduce that level. He was explaining how Butterburr can prevent migraines when I got a phone call and missed the rest of that, but you can pull it up and look it over in your search engine.  He has a good website.
  Have been looking for a way to make natural cosmetics, found some thoughts for you to try, I will be doing these with my sis soon.  Use 1/2 teaspoon of arrowroot,( short explanation, this is a replacement for corn starch which is made from GMO laced corn, so much better to keep in your pantry for cooking too!) put in a bowl, and mix some spices.  Try a combo of nutmeg, cinnamon, cocoa powder, beet root(recipe to follow), allspice, these will be very minute amounts,  when you get the pink, brown or rose you like, add to arrowroot and stir in 1/2 teaspoon of shea butter.  Will be a creamy powder.  Just as an example, for lips or blush,  3/4 teaspoon of allspice, 3/4 teaspoon beet root and 1/4 teaspoon of cocoa.  To get darker lip color, add more beet root and less cocoa. .  For brown eye shadow, a little cocoa can be enough, or you can tweak it. Raid your spice shelf and experiment, should be fun and cheap and good for your skin.
 Beet root powder is made from fresh beets, cook, slice thin and dry, in a dehydrator, or you can try pureeing them and spreading them on a sheet of parchment and microwaving them. It takes close to an hour to get them dry, and the parchment might catch fire, think I would rather use the dehydrator. Then you grind them up and keep the powder in a jar.  If you would rather just buy some, Mountain Rose Herbs has the best prices I could find.
  Planted a flower bed with seeds yesterday and found the neighbors cat using the bed as a litter box this morning,  chased it away but it will surely be back. Might explain why my seeds never grow. Will put some plants in next week, less room for digging then.
  Ran our of face cream this morning so getting ready to brew up a new jar full.  I now have a face wash, a toner, and a cream I love. Toothpaste not so much, can't come up with an effective sensitive tooth one, baking soda and peppermint oil works, but not to ease pain.  My grocery trips always find me buying vinegar and sometimes baking soda, the big boxes(4 pound) last a very long time. I make almost every thing I use now,  very effective for cleaning on the cheap.
  All for now, hope you are enjoying some warm spring weather, and some fresh produce. Take care, take charge, be well..

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