Friday, May 10, 2013

No rain today! Spring wonder foods, thoughts on Docs

  There are two programs I watch when I can, The Doctors and Dr Oz. Today on The Doctors, they are going to discuss a new cancer treatment that does not leave the patient ill. I have been watching this develop, it's incredible and I hope it helps in the way cancer is treated in the future, if you can tune in to this, it would be worth the watch.  Yesterday Dr Oz astounded me, he had an alternative  medicine person on his show that told him about plant sterols for fighting cholesterol problems. Funny, we used that for my hubby for years, and it works wonderfully, no side effects like taking out your kidneys and liver, as the statins do.  Those of us who have tried to learn better ways than medicine over the years have known about alternatives for a lot of things for a long time, and doctors are amazed to learn them.  Shows how we have not learned preventive measures for health, but instead get sick then rely on toxic medicines to mask symptoms and give us more problems. The body is an amazing machine, but requires caring for if you don't want your life filled with illness and medicines that cost an arm and a leg.
  Been outside this morning, we have had a day and a half of glorious sunshine, what a welcome break! My strawberries are getting ripe, all the rain has provided a bumper crop. And I have a tree full of a little bigger than a fat almond size peaches. For some reason, getting them to picking stage has been a challenge. they seem to rot and fall off the tree just before being ripe enough to pick. My garden is up and doing well, but think some  days of sun would help a lot, we are still having cool weather and a lot of rain, There is talk of frost the next night or so in Virginia, and maybe parts of the Smoky Mountains, hope not here. Not too worried.
  It is spring and time to get your body tuned up. There are  some great  super foods to keep you healthy, lets start with berries. They are considered the most nutritious fruits, and include raspberries, strawberries,  cranberries,  blueberries, pomegranate seeds, cherries goji's and grapes.  You can snack on them alone, or make fruit salads or smoothies, any combination works to improve your anti oxidant levels.
  The second great group is greens. We have had some wonderful spinach already, love it. But also my kale is producing and has all winter, greens are endless,  contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins.  Try broccoli, collards, cress, chard, cabbage, and all herbs you can grow. Use them in salads, soups, casseroles even add to those smoothies.
  Try adding quinoa to your meals, it's usually treated as a grain but is actually a seed.  Very impressive in protein amounts,  and zinc.  Good for your hair and skin, has B and E vitamins. it's kind of a cross between pasta and rice, can be used as a main dish with additions  you like, or put into soups or salads.
  Vegetables, well, there is no end to these, and the Farmers markets are open now so if you are not growing your own, try and find  a place to buy the fresh stuff, grown without pesticides and weed killers, The taste is so different from the stuff we find in stores  Maybe the kids will even learn to like veggies if they are fresh and tasty  Eat as many a day as you can, they are not fattening and do such good things for your bod!
  Got a couple quick recipes for you, my 3year old+ grand daughter and her baby sis are coming to visit, and I am brewing up soap for bubble blowing,   so here's how. In a jar mix 1/4 cup soap, like dawn,  3/4 cup of water and 5 drops of glycerin, the longer it sits, the bigger and better the bubbles will be.
  Do you like tacos? Bet you buy those envelopes of seasonings.  Why pay someone else to mix something so simple, its just this easy:
  1 teaspoon chili powder
  1/2 teaspoon cumin
  1/2 teaspoon oregano
  1 teaspoon salt, this much for 1 pound of meat.  You can make larger amounts and keep in your pantry for future times.
  Mother's day is this weekend you don't know how much you miss your mom until she is not here to celebrate with . Dad's too, they are special people,  Treat them well while you can. Have a glorious weekend, hope you spend time with family or friends. Til next time, enjoy the warmer weather and eat some of the wonderful fresh things available now.

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